Summary of the Rehat of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
Akhand Pāth & Sehaj Pāth
To take Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji from one place to another there are to be a minimum of 5 Singhs present with Guru ji. A gong or other relevant instruments are to be played to make others aware of Guru ji's arrival. Water is to be sprinkled in front of Guru Sahib. If you are taking Guru Sahib in a car/vehicle, then the container of water is to be placed in the car.
Where Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is present and Karah Parshad is to be prepared, the floor covering must not be made of inappropriate materials (e.g. in India, animal dung mixed with clay and hay is sometimes spread on a dirt floor to stop dust from flying around).
Once a suitable room is selected, the floor, walls and ceilings should be broomed, cleaned or washed as appropriate.
Sehaj Pāth
At the start/Āraṁbha and end/Bhoj of Sehaj Pāth, Karah Parshad made of clarified (un-salted) butter/ghee is to be made.
At the start of the Pāth, the Ardas and Hukamnāma must be recited followed by a minimum of five verses of Sri Japji Sahib, before distributing Karah Parshad.
Upon completion of the Sehaj Pāth, five verses of Sri Japji Sahib and the last Salok ('Pavan Guru...') are to be recited after the Rāga Mala and Ardas performed.
When the person performing Ardas says.
"Food has been prepared with purity, please do Bhoj to the food and bless it Lord."
(SGGSJ Ang 1266)
Upon hearing this verse, the Blade of the Kirpan is simultaneously ‘placed’ into the Parshad and out.
When placing the offered Romalas over Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, the following is not to be recited,
"Oh Lord, you have given me this gift of love (silk cloth) to cover my faults and keep my status." (SGGSJ Ang 520)
This Śabad can only to be recited when a Siropao is given to a person.
Sri Akhand Pāth
The Akhand Pāth is to be started by performing the Ardas and reciting the Hukamnāma.
After this the Granthi Singh is to immediately begin the Pāth, there must not be any interruptions, breaks or request for permission from the Sangat nor should the Granthi utter the Fateh. The Karah Parshad is to be distributed only after the completion of Sri Japji Sahib.
At the start of "Jaitasarī Dee Vār" is Madh Bhoj (halfway point of Sri Akhand Pāth) Ardas is to be performed.
Once the Raagmala and complete Japji Sahib have been recited at the Bhoj (completion) of Sri Akhand Pāth, a Jakara is not to be sounded and nor is the Fateh to be said.
The Ardas is to begin immediately. Fateh is only to be announced after the Hukamnāma has been 'sounded'.
Śabad Kirtan or discourses on Gurmat are to be conducted. If Śabads of Arti are recited then candles/lamps are not to be lit and waved around.
Alongside the Sri Akhand Pāth, Sri Japji Sahib must be continuously recited. Over the container of water, a coconut wrapped in white or saffron (not red) cloth is to be placed. Red string is not to be tied around the coconut or container.
In order to create a pleasant atmosphere, incense sticks (air-fresheners, non-alcoholic fragrances etc.) should be used. At night time, there should be additional lighting provisions in case the light bulbs or electricity fails.
Ghee lamps can be used, but those which use paraffin, white spirit or gas should not be used in the same room as the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
None of the Readers are to be non-Amritdhari or those that have committed any of the cardinal sins (without having re-taken Amrit).
The Reader Singhs are to wear clean clothing and must bathe before starting on their Pāth seva. The Akhand Pāth should be completed within 48 hours.
The Granthi Singh is to be Amritdhari, passionate about Sikhi, perform Nitnem, meditation and have high levels of Gurmat knowledge.
Any financial and other offerings to the Readers should be of a reasonable level, enough to provide a respectable living.
If the family listen to the Pāth with ‘love’ and carry out seva themselves, and the Reader Singhs are passionate and pronounce the Pāth correctly, then the rewards are endless:
"Reading and listening to Gurbani has the reward of many ages."
(SGGSJ Ang 546)
“To listen to Gurbani is similar to thousands of good actions."
(SGGSJ Ang 238)
The spiritual light of the 10 Guru Sahibs is enshrined within Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and thus the commandments of Gurbani are to be adhered to. From “Ik Ongkār...” to “Adharā Das Bees” Gurbani is to be accepted as the Guru.
Raagmala was authored by Guru ji, first Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji Maharaj got Bhai Gurdas ji to write an edition of Ādi Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji - in which Raagmala is present,
it is written in the same ink, on the same quality paper and in the same handwriting as the rest of the Gurbani, this edition is now at Sri Kartarpur (Doaba).
Bhai Bano ji copied that edition, which also includes Raagmala.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj at Takht Damdama Sahib got Bhai Mani Singh ji to be scribe, Guru ji dictated the whole of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in which Raagmala is present, it is also present in the 4 editions written by Śahīd Baba Deep Singh ji.
From this it is clear that Guru Sahib wrote Raagmala.
Final Note:
Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji - the 10th Father at Takht Sri Damdama Sahib (Guru Ki Kanshi) from 1762 - 1763, for 9 months and 9 days from Ik Ongkār to Adharā Das Bees dictated the whole of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to Bhai Mani Singh ji from memory.
Baba Deep Singh ji and Bhai Mani Singh ji along with another 48 Singhs were taught by Guru ji the correct meaning and pronunciations of Gurbani and blessed them with the knowledge of God (Brahma Jñān).
Guru Sahib then went to Sri Hazur Sahib and blessed Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji with the Gurgaddi, throning it as the Guru.
Bhai Mani Singh ji was sent to Amritsar, upon getting there, he started the Taksal of teaching the correct meanings and pronunciations of Gurbani, Baba Deep Singh doing the same but at Takht Sri Damdama Sahib.
Both these Taksals have been operating under the leadership of Brahma Jñānis.
For these reasons the Code of Conduct narrated in this booklet is to be maintained and the commands of Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji are to be accepted to make our lives worthwhile.