Sikhi Teachings & Traditions

The 5 Takhts (Thrones) of the Khalsa 1. Sri Akāl Takht Sahib – Founded by the 6 th Guru Sahib in Sri Amritsar Sahib. 2. Takht Sri Patna Sahib (Bihar) – The place of revelation of the 10 th Guru Sahib. The 9 th Guru Sahib said that this should be made a Takht. 3. Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib, Sri

The Four Cardinal Sins Hukka - Smoking tobacco, and all other intoxicants Hajamat - Removing hair Halalo - Eating meat Haram - Adultery and sexual relationships outside of marriage 1. Hukka (tobacco and all other intoxicants) " Listen to the discipline of the Gursikh whom relinquishes the accompaniment of tobacco, avoiding bodily contact with tobacco as he/she knows that he/she

Mool Mantar and the manifestation of Guru mantra in the candidates In the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jī, the Panj Pyare are to make all the Singhs and Singhni's stand and collectively repeal the Mool Mantar five times, investing all its spiritual powers into the candidates. Ik Ongkār - God is One, without opposition. He is the creator

3) Amrit Ceremony (Immortal Nectar) Amrit is the blessing of the Guru that makes the individual immortal and breaks the cycle of birth and deaths. " Drink Amrit, live forever! Attain extreme bliss by meditating on God “ (SGGSJ Aug 496) Satguru by creating sweet Amrit and Karah Parshad ( blessed sweet food ) has blessed us greatly. By blessing

1) Birth Ceremony When Vaheguru blesses a couple with a child, at this auspicious moment the first rite is to utter “ Vaheguru " Guru mantra ( blessed word of the Guru ) to the child. The midwife should be a Sikh, so that she can enact this rite. Next, the Amrit is to be prepared in the following way:

Five Kakārs The following five Ks are the mark of Sikhi. These five can never be parted from the body. Kara, Kirpan, Kachera, Kangha, recognise these as four of them The fifth is Kesh, without which the other four are useless. There are also four H's which must he avoided. Understand this without any doubt, no lies have been told.

Kirtan Sohila | Sikhu Vakara Lūgšana. Slavas Dziesma Dievam. Dievs ir Viens, pēc Patiesā Guru žēlastības: Tajā namā kur slavu Radītājam skandē un apcer, Tajā namā Slavas Dziesmas dziedi, meditē un piemini To Kungu Radītāju. Dziedi Slavas dziesmas manam Bezbailīgajam Kungam. Ziedojums es esmu tai Slavas Dziesmai, Mūžīgo Mieru kas nes. Ik dienu Viņš rūpējas par savām būtnēm; Lielais Devējs

Kas ir Džapdži (Jap Ji)? Džapdži ir Guru Nānaka, Sikhu religijas Pirmā Skolotāja, skaistā dziesma, kura kalpo arī kā ievads Sikhu apjomīgajiem Svētajiem Rakstiem – Guru Granth Sahib – kuri aptver 1400 lappuses. Džapdži izklāsta Guru Nānaka mācības pamatprincipus un vienlaikus paskaidro kā dzīvot lai sasniegtu garīgo pilnību, lai sasniegtu kontaktu ar Vienu Dievišķo Būtni, Visa Radītāju. Džapdži – tā

*/ */ Index Anchors 3. Rehatnāmas and Rehat Maryādā - as sources of duties 4. Origin of the Rehatnāmas 5. Organisational duties First 3 Rehatnāmas 1. Tankha-nāma of Nand Lal, 2. Praśan Uttar of Bhai Nand Lal, 3. Rehatnāma of Bhai Desa Singh Main Moral Duties (1) Right belief, (2) Right livelihood, (3) Chastity and fidelity, Sikh Dress Code: 1.

*/ */ Index Anchors 6. The Sikh Rehat Maryādā 7. Duties enjoined in the Sikh Rehat Maryādā 8. Personal aspect of duties 9. Other organisational duties Sikh Rehat Maryādā Sikh Rules & Regulations Sikh Traditions Time of Creation 1st October, 1932 -1945 Read Online: 1. Rehat Maryādā | Sikh Code | v1 2. Rehat Maryādā | Sikh Code | v2
